CyberTraining-4-Parents – Cyberbullying and e-Literacy Training Courses for Adult Educators working with Parents (CT4P)
The CyberTraining-4-Parents project aims at providing in-service training courses on cyberbullying for adult educators working with parents. The course will convey a basic understanding of new information and communication technologies and Internet safety. Furthermore, it will introduce to the topic of cyberbullying, its sources, prevalence and effects, legal issues related to cyberbullying on a national and transnational level as well as strategies for the prevention of cyberbullying.
Building on training material developed in the CyberTraining project and material being used by partners at national level, the project provides training courses on two different levels: At a national level the partners will hold three “face-to-face” training courses. In addition online courses that target an International audience will be offered, both in the form of moderated courses and self-directed courses for individual learners.
Each of the three national “face-to-face” training courses will target 20 adult educators from the partner countries. Each of the moderated online courses will be taught to 15 adult educators from across Europe. The courses will combine the traditional virtual learning environment (VLE) of Moodle with a 3D VLE that will host weekly synchronous meetings that will be part of the courses.
The project’s long-time sustainability will be ensured by means of self-directed courses that will directly address parents. It will widely be based on the moderated courses, and adapted for the needs of individual online learners. After the the project’s lifetime the self-directed courses will remain online for public use.
- Dr. Paul Roland Arbinger, Dipl.-Psych. Thomas Jäger
Claudia Stelter